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There are 11 individuals with the location Easton (New York) in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
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sorted by: Last name Birth Death
GORSLINE, Richard Hamilton * in , + in
     oo 07.09.1922 in Easton (New York) KENYON, Emma Winter * 18.06.1897 in Easton (New York) , + 08.07.1962 in Saratoga (New York)
HOYLE, Theresa Ann * 13.11.1856 in Cedar Springs (Michigan) , + 28.07.1941 in Easton (New York)
HUNT, Helen Cecelia * 17.11.1877 in Cedar Springs (Michigan) , + 28.07.1941 in Easton (New York)
JOHNSON, Richard M * 13.06.1898 in Johnsburg (New York), + 30.04.1959 in Easton (New York)
     oo 07.09.1922 in Easton (New York) KENYON, Bertha Theresa * 05.10.1898 in Easton (New York) , + 14.10.1955 in Easton (New York)
KENYON, Bertha Theresa * 05.10.1898 in Easton (New York) , + 14.10.1955 in Easton (New York)
     oo 07.09.1922 in Easton (New York) JOHNSON, Richard M * 13.06.1898 in Johnsburg (New York), + 30.04.1959 in Easton (New York)
KENYON, Emma Winter * 18.06.1897 in Easton (New York) , + 08.07.1962 in Saratoga (New York)
     oo 07.09.1922 in Easton (New York) GORSLINE, Richard Hamilton * in , + in
KENYON, Florence Irene * 17.02.1906 in Easton (New York) , + in
KENYON, Irvin Wilbur * 02.10.1915 in Easton (New York) , + 29.12.1990 in Phoenix (Arizona)
KENYON, John Carol * 10.06.1910 in Easton (New York) , + 12.12.1910 in Easton (New York)
KENYON, Kathryn Delena * 17.11.1902 in Easton (New York) , + 17.04.1965 in Willsboro (New York)
Last update: 10.07.2002
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